Friday, May 30, 2014

UPDATE: DeLorean Dream progressing!

Just a quick update for those of you still following along...

My book is progressing again! The title has been changed, but I have decided to publish it under my original name still. As such, the cover had to get redesigned yet again! But we finally think we have the final cover that we'll go with for publishing.

One of the biggest points of contention with the redesigned cover, has been coming up with a design that we don't think will result in a lawsuit from anyone. With what I've seen in the DeLorean community, it seems to be wise to take the "better safe than sorry" approach. And since paying someone to use one of their DeLorean photos wasn't in the budget....we've had to make due with what we can manage for free.

There are just too many assholes in the car world who get their panties in a bunch if you use one of their photos for something without their permission. I could understand if it were a professional photographer, who did a professional photo shoot....but even a lot of these normal car guys seems to think they should make money off of the photos they snap of someone else's car, in a public setting no less.

Anyways, the book is progressing....and soon I will be able to reveal the new cover!

Stay tuned!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Beautiful in Blue! VIN 10496

Saw this recently on Ebay Motors, and thought I should share. This is VIN 10496, and apparently is a "dealer" painted 1982 DeLorean. One thing is for certain....that paint scheme is classic 80's all the way!

The "Buy-It-Now" for this unique gem is $30,000! But considering the cost of the paint job alone, whether in 1982 dollars or 2014 dollars, I think that is fair. You certainly are getting a unique vehicle for the money....but you'd really have to be anything but a DeLorean purist to appreciate this one. 

The DeLorean Dream gets OVERHAULED!

Greetings again folks! Believe it or not....I am still here. And my book The DeLorean Dream is still in the works. It has just been going through a major overhaul since we last discussed it. So much so, that I've deleted everything off this blog that pertained to the book as we originally knew it.

The title may be getting changed, though nothing is for certain just yet.

The cover is getting re-worked, with new cover art.

The synopsis of the book remains largely unchanged, though there have been a few developments in my life since I began writing it. So the tone of the book will change in a few places, and new parts are being added.

Obviously I didn't hit my target dates for publication. But as I have found out so frequently with writing and publishing my fiction titles in other genres....things seldom goes as planned in this industry.

That being said, I am still targeting a 2014 release BEFORE the holiday season! Stay tuned to this blog for updates and new information as it becomes available! (My previous DeLorean Dream page on Facebook got deleted due to too much negativity and not enough project support from the DeLorean community...)

Stay blessed DeLorean fans!

-Big Ben

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A silver opportunity missed....VIN 6507!

Recently VIN 6507 surfaced on Ebay Motors as a "Delorean project" with a seemingly low $7000 But-it-now price. A richer, more eager version of me would have gladly clicked that button to make the purchase......and worried about the details later.

But what would $7000 have gotten me exactly? A clear title for a November, 1981 build DeLorean located in Virginia. No accidents associated with the car......that's always good news. An original mileage of 16,xxx.......not bad. 

But you knew at $7000 there WOULD be bad.....

Like an engine that hadn't been started in 4+ years....

An interior that was thoroughly trashed....and oh by the complete disarray and only partially assembled. (But a promise that all the parts were there to go with the car...)

And look at that....epoxy peeling off a rusting frame. 

Oh yeah, and it was painted.....of all colors.......SILVER!?!? (WTF?)  

So like I said.....a richer, more eager version of me would have clicked the button, paid my $7000.....and gladly applied for a vanity license plate reading "MONY PIT". Yes I realize the $30-$40,000+ a guy could easily spend on such an example.....but I am of the mind that it is beautiful and poetic to resurrect something neglected and abandoned by others. And it would have made the perfect donor car for the custom DeLorean of my dreams.

And it appears to have been the jewel of another eye as well. Somebody else clicked the "Buy-it-now" button and made this project their own. Good luck to you!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bring it back!

I have decided to bring back my "DeLorean Dream" blog as publication of the book nears. I had a similar blog that I had started back in 2009, and that blog is what my forthcoming book was inspired by. 

Near the end of the life-cycle of that blog, I had made the mistake of using it to promote things completely unrelated to my pursuit of living the "DeLorean Dream". But with the advent of the book going into publication in a few weeks....I have decided now is a good time to bring this blog back.

This blog will serve as an extension of the book after it's publication, and will provide me with an outlet to continue writing about DeLorean related things.....along the way to some day purchasing my very own DeLorean. 

I hope to make this blog a fun environment for DeLorean enthusiasts, and fans of my book, to keep in touch with me and my progress. 
